이건주 학생 Cell Reports Medicine 논문 최종 Publish [2024.05.13] 관리자 │ 2024-05-16 HIT 310 |
연구실의 이건주 학생(통합과정)이 진행한 연구가 Cell Reports Medicine (IF=14.3)에 2024년 5월 13일에 게재되었습니다. "포스텍 이승우 교수 연구진은 면역치료제 개발 기업인 네오이뮨텍(NeoImmuneTech)과의 공동 연구를 통해 rhIL-7-hyFc (NT-I7) 단백질이 고형암에서 이중항체의 항암 효능을 증진시킬 수 있음을 보여주었다. rhIL-7-hyFc는 네오이뮨텍에서 개발하는 T 세포 증폭제로, 항암면역치료를 위한 글로벌 임상 개발이 진행중인 신약 후보물질이다. 해당 연구진은 rhIL-7-hyFc를 투여할 경우 이중항체에 의해 활성화하여 효과적으로 암세포를 사멸시킬 수 있는 방관자 T 세포군이 우세한 면역환경으로 개선되는 것을 확인했다." 논문 출판을 축하합니다~~! [제목] IL-7-primed bystander CD8 tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes optimize the antitumor efficacy of T cell engager immunotherapy [논문 링크] https://www.cell.com/cell-reports-medicine/fulltext/S2666-3791(24)00259-3 [Summary] Bispecific T cell engagers (TCEs) show promising clinical efficacy in blood tumors, but their application to solid tumors remains challenging. Here, we show that Fc-fused IL-7 (rhIL-7-hyFc) changes the intratumoral CD8 T cell landscape, enhancing the efficacy of TCE immunotherapy. rhIL-7-hyFc induces a dramatic increase in CD8 tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) in various solid tumors, but the majority of these cells are PD-1-negative tumor non-responsive bystander T cells. However, they are non-exhausted and central memory-phenotype CD8 T cells with high T cell receptor (TCR)-recall capacity that can be triggered by tumor antigen-specific TCEs to acquire tumoricidal activity. Single-cell transcriptome analysis reveals that rhIL-7-hyFc-induced bystander CD8 TILs transform into cycling transitional T cells by TCE redirection with decreased memory markers and increased cytotoxic molecules. Notably, TCE treatment has no major effect on tumor-reactive CD8 TILs. Our results suggest that rhIL-7-hyFc treatment promotes the antitumor efficacy of TCE immunotherapy by increasing TCE-sensitive bystander CD8 TILs in solid tumors. [Graphic Abstract] |
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