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김영민 박사, 권동일 박사, 박수빈 학생 Cell Reports Medicine 논문 최종 Publish [2024.01.16]

관리자 │ 2024-01-17



연구실의 김영민 박사, 권동일 박사, 박수빈 학생 (통합과정)이 진행한 연구가
Cell Reports Medicine (IF=14.3)에 2024년 1월 16일에 게재되었습니다.

해당 논문에서는 네오이뮨텍 (NeoImmuneTech)과 공동 연구 중인 신약후보물질 rhIL-7-hyFc가 
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[논문 링크]

Repeated pandemics caused by the influenza virus and severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) have resulted in serious problems in global public health, emphasizing the need for broad-spectrum antiviral therapeutics against respiratory virus infections. Here, we show the protective effects of long-acting recombinant human interleukin-7 fused with hybrid Fc (rhIL-7-hyFc) against major respiratory viruses, including influenza virus, SARS-CoV-2, and respiratory syncytial virus. Administration of rhIL-7-hyFc in a therapeutic or prophylactic regimen induces substantial antiviral effects. During an influenza A virus (IAV) infection, rhIL-7-hyFc treatment increases pulmonary T cells composed of blood-derived interferon γ (IFNγ)+ conventional T cells and locally expanded IL-17A+ innate-like T cells. Single-cell RNA transcriptomics reveals that rhIL-7-hyFc upregulates antiviral genes in pulmonary T cells and induces clonal expansion of type 17 innate-like T cells. rhIL-7-hyFc-mediated disease prevention is dependent on IL-17A in both IAV- and SARS-CoV-2-infected mice. Collectively, we suggest that rhIL-7-hyFc can be used as a broadly active therapeutic for future respiratory virus pandemic.

[Graphic Abstract]

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